Brethren Archive


1920s to 1920s

Edited by:  W.J. Young

Issued in Australia.

  1. 1923.2 - 1923
  2. 1924.1 - 1924
  3. 1924.2 - 1924
  4. 1925.1 - 1925
  5. 1926 ? - 1926
  6. 1926.1 - 1926
  7. 1926.2 - 1926
  8. 1927.1 - 1927
  9. 1927.2 - 1927
  10. 1928.3 - 1928
  11. Type: MyCommentFolder
These files are free to download but for personal use only and not re-publication. Thank-you!

Jack said ...
Have issues 1924-(2) 1927 (1&2) undated Reading with CAC WJH on the Holy City Adelaide 1924 Reading with EJHemmings Bendigo 1926.Am interested to acquire full set if possible.
Friday, Nov 2, 2018 : 19:09
Tom said ...
HI Jack, I think they are very rare - the one I have is the only one I've seen, though being in Australia, you might have better chance of coming across them. If you ever get chance to scan the ones you have, I'd be glad to add them to the site.
best, Tom
Saturday, Nov 3, 2018 : 18:07
Jack said ...
Hello Tom not up in scanning.Maybe best if I send the magazines to you or have them copied.? Jack
Saturday, Nov 17, 2018 : 04:53
Greg said ...
Hi Jack
I'm from Australia and would be happy to do them for you. Tom can give you my contact address.
I also have a couple of other issues that I could scan at the same time.
Saturday, Nov 17, 2018 : 19:55
Jack said ...

Hi Greg just noticed your comment.I am happy to send either to yourself or Tom but di not have your addresses.I am at Grangemouth Scotland.

Saturday, Dec 8, 2018 : 01:48
Tom said ...
Hi Jack, I've tried emailing you a couple of times but didn't get any reply. Maybe it went in your spam or something? anyway I'll try another time .. thanks again for your kind offer.
best, Tom
Saturday, Dec 8, 2018 : 02:05

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