Brethren Archive

The Evangelist

1878 to ?

Edited by:  William Shaw, Henry Pickering.

Published by\in: George Turner, 40 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow

"The Evangelist first appeared in January, 1880 and was edited by William Shaw, of Maybole, Ayrshire and later by Henry Pickering." L.o.I. 1952.

  1. 2 - 1879
  2. Type: MyCommentFolder
  3. 31 - 1908
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Tom said ...

It was initially published weekly, on Saturday mornings. On p4 of Volume 2, it says;

"TO OUR READERS. As explained in our last Number, it has been found needful to print and publish The Evangelist in Glasgow; and we hope the change, which our increasing circulation rendered necessary, will be the means of still further extending the usefulness of the little paper. As mentioned last week, the literary management of the paper still continues the same as before."

I assume it came from Maybole before then. At the end of that volume, there is another notice;

NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. On and after ist January, the Evangelist will appear monthly, and will be printed and published in Maybole, price One Shilling per ioo Copies, post free. January Number now ready. All Orders, etc., to be addressed, W M. SHAW, Maybole.


Thursday, Aug 23, 2018 : 17:36

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