Brethren Archive

The Harvester

1922 to 1995

Edited by: 

Apparently it was a "magazine launched especially to encourage Brethren outreach".
The Witness merged with The Harvester in 1980. Ten years later the latter had a UK circulation of around 2,000 and was in severe financial difficulties which led to its demise in 1995.

  1. 64.1 - 1985
  2. 64.4 - 1985
  3. 53 - 1974
  4. 55 - 1976
  5. 56 - 1977
  6. Type: MyCommentFolder
  7. 59? (58) - 1979
  8. 59 - 1980
  9. 60 - 1981
These files are free to download but for personal use only and not re-publication. Thank-you!

Tom said ...

Appears quite a liberal publication by the time of the first ones i have in 1985 .. does anyone have earlier issues?
I have various single issues from the late 80s to 91, some of which look to contain interesting articles. By 1990 it had changed its name to Aware Magazine.

Sunday, Aug 26, 2018 : 23:16 said ...
I'm looking for an article from the Sept 1940 issue of THE HARVESTER--"The Proper Names in Ezekiel 38" by Pro F F Bruce. Is such available?
Wednesday, Jul 29, 2020 : 02:52
Marty said ...
Some copies of "The Harvester" can be found here:
They begin with January of 1941.
Wednesday, Jul 29, 2020 : 03:52
Samuel said ...
I don't know of anywhere that has a complete "run" of the Harvester. Another important magazine is "Indian Christian", edited for many years by W.C. Irvine, and continuing for many years afterwards. It attracted noted brethren teachers to write unique articles and serialised material. It looks as if a lot of it is lost now, as there seems to be no archive or collector who has it all.
Friday, Jul 31, 2020 : 20:47
Dr John Wallace said ...
I am looking for an article by my late friend Anthony J Weston about Brethren Sacramentalism. I have a vague recollection of it but would find the actual article and its references for a piece of research in which I an engaged.
Monday, Feb 3, 2025 : 22:02
Rodger said ...
Looks like that was in the May, 1963 issue of “The Harvester.”
Monday, Feb 3, 2025 : 23:24

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