Brethren Archive
The Year 1938

The Believer's Pathway

Volume: 59 - Paths of Peace for Pilgrims Heavenward

For personal use only and not re-publication. Thank-you!

Tom said ...

This appears to be vol 39 and "Bushels of Bread Corn" vol 40, but what was the series called? and is their a list of the volume titles?

Monday, Jan 17, 2022 : 16:13
Greg said ...
Tom, did you assume this from the code at the bottom left of the title page?
LIX. 38 for Paths of Peace
LX. 39 for Bushels of Bread Corn

Plenteous Redemption has the code too. It's LX. 38

Note that LIX is 59; LX is 60. Could it be the publication year?
Tuesday, Jan 18, 2022 : 12:40
Tom said ...
Thanks, yep I got the numbers wrong .. I've removed them for now. I suspect the latter number, ie 38 could be the publication year. Given, as you point out, Plenteous Redemption, has the LX code too, it's probably not a volume number.
Wednesday, Jan 19, 2022 : 02:46
Marty said ...

Paths of Peace v59 1938 & Bushels of Bread Corn v60 1939, are both volumes of The Believer's Pathway. Plenteous Redemption v60 1938, Ed. by Hy. Pickering, is a volume of "The Herald of Salvation" Alex. Marshall also edited a Herald volume, v35 1913 with the same title.
The Believer's Pathway began with v1 1880.
The Herald of Salvation began with v1 1879.
They both have the same codes, which can be somewhat confusing.
The Herald has a "H" before the vol. # on some volumes.
The Pathway has a "P" before the vol # on some volumes.

Wednesday, Aug 2, 2023 : 23:30

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