Brethren Archive

Henry Allan Ironside

Born: 14th October 1876
Died: 15th January 1951

Intro, Biographical Information, Notes etc:

Dave said ...
The text is missing page 133/134. Would there be anyway to read these? Maybe scan them and put them up online maybe?
Friday, Feb 26, 2016 : 19:38
Tom said ...
yep ill do that if i cant get another copy.
Friday, Feb 26, 2016 : 20:05
Tom said ...
There you go :-)
Friday, Feb 26, 2016 : 21:56
Adrian said ...
I found this site of Henry Ironsides grave in Purewa Cemetery Auckland NZ
Saturday, Sep 5, 2020 : 07:55
Marty said ...

Henry (Harry) Allan Ironside – 14th Oct. 1876 ~ 15th Jan. 1951, age 74.
Father: John Williams Ironside, Sr. – 30th Dec. 1855 ~ 24th Sept. 1878, age 22.
Mother: Sophia Stafford – 7th Feb. 1852 ~ 1898.
   2nd Marriage - William D. Watson in 1890
     Lillian Viola Irene Watson (R.A.C. Laidlaw) – Dec. 1892 ~ 1971.
Wife: Helen Georgia Schofield – 23rd April 1872 ~ 1st May 1948, age 76.
   Married on 5th January 1898.
  Edmund Henry Ironside (M. Guthrie) (F. Banford) – 10th February 1899 ~ 25th July 1941, age 42.
  John Schofield Ironside (S. Gentry) – 18th Aug. 1905 ~ 19th Jan. 1957, age 51.
   Lillian Ironside (G.A, Koppin Jr.) – 28th July 1920 ~ 6th June 2009, age 88.
      (Lillian was adopted from son Edmund)
2nd Wife: Ann (Annie) Turner Hightower – 1st March 1890 ~ 8th March 1978. age 88.
    Married on 9th October 1949.
    1st Husband: William Harrison Hightower – 1887 ~ 1947. Married c1910.
Brother: John Williams Ironside, Jr. – 30th August 1878 ~ 1930.

Dr. Harry A. Ironside, esteemed and beloved Bible teacher for more than half a century, pastor of the Moody Memorial Church for eighteen years [1930-1948], until his retirement two years ago, and a dear friend and associate, was taken into the presence of his Lord on January 15th [1951], in a hospital in Cambridge, New Zealand, in his seventy-fifth year. Dr. and Mrs. Ironside had sailed for New Zealand from Vancouver, B. C., on November 2nd [1950], for a ministry in New Zealand and Australia that was to take some months. For six weeks, Dr. Ironside fulfilled his speaking appointments, although about one week before his death, he suffered some pain that, it was thought, was severe bronchitis. On Saturday night, January 13th, he preached, and on the Lord’s Day, he and Mrs. Ironside gathered with other believers for the breaking of bread, at which time Dr. Ironside spoke briefly from God’s Word. A medical examination after the morning service showed a serious heart condition, and he was ordered to the hospital immediately. Eleven hours later, our beloved friend was taken to his heavenly home. Mrs. Ironside last saw her husband alive at 9 p.m. She had left him at six o’clock to eat supper and rest for a while. Upon her return to the hospital, she asked Dr. Ironside if he would care to have her read from the Scriptures, their nightly custom. He replied: “No, I have just finished reading seven chapters.” She bade him “good-night” and left the hospital. Within a few hours, the Lord Jesus said, “Come Home,” and Harry A. Ironside departed from this earthly scene. At his own explicit request, his body was laid to rest in Auckland, N. Z. A memorial service was held in the Moody Memorial Church, Chicago, on Sunday, February 4th. Dr. Ironside will be missed sorely by multitudes. Not a day passes that the Editor [E. S. English] does not feel the loss of this friend. Yet, we know that he is where he would rather be than anywhere in the universe—in the Lord’s presence; and we rejoice for him. Heaven is enriched in his residence there. To his dear wife, Ann Hightower Ironside; a son John S. Ironside of Winona Lake, Ind., and a daughter, Lillian (Mrs. Gilbert A Koppin, Jr.), of Indianapolis, we express for ourselves and our reader-family, deepest sympathy in their loss. Their beloved fought a good fight, finished the course, and kept the faith. There is indeed a crown of righteousness laid up for him which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give him in that day.
“Our Hope” 1951

Thursday, Oct 28, 2021 : 06:15
Steve said ...
Hi, thank you for this collection of Ironside, is there any chance of obtaining his small work on Salvation and Reward and making it available in a PDF? Thanks
Monday, Jan 1, 2024 : 23:40
Jonathan said ...
Ha! I was looking for the same title, and I'd also be interested in any of Ironside's gospel tracts. I see some here, but I think there are others. Thanks for this website, great job organizing and cataloging these important writings! By the way, I like that they are original copies, not reprints. 👍
Saturday, Jan 6, 2024 : 13:15
Jonathan S said ...
I see there are now two Jonathans. :-)

I shall change my callsign to Jonathan S.
Thursday, Jan 11, 2024 : 18:19
John Edmund Koppin said ...
This is a remarkable listing of my grandfather’s many writings (I’m John Edmund Koppin, my mother was Harry’s daughter, Lillian Ironside Koppin). Thank you for assembling them along with the texts. Most of them are out of print and only an online collection like this provides access to many of his works. God bless you for this library that keeps these informative works alive to bless God’s people.
Thursday, Jun 13, 2024 : 19:36
Rev. Kenneth P. Lenz, Ph.D. said ...
I very much appreciate Pastor Ironside's writings and have included some in books I am making available at no charge. Those books relate to particular books I have written, such as those titled:
"God's Son Forsaken, His Sacrifice Finished!"
"Water Baptism and Spirit Baptism"

To God be the glory.

Friday, Feb 21, 2025 : 02:31

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