Brethren Archive

Charles Edward Faithfull

Born: 4th January 1848
Died: 25th March 1924

Intro, Biographical Information, Notes etc:

Open Brethren missionary in Spain.

Marty said ...
A Letter from Missionary C.E.F. in 1875 from "The Christian":
Mr. Charles Edward Faithfull's Return To Spain
Dear Fellow Helpers, We have now been over eight months in England, and separated from all active service in poor Spain's behalf; and after six months of rest, rendered absolutely necessary by severe suffering in the head, we are again seeking to interest God's people in that land that calls loudly to us to go over and help them; anticipating a speedy return with our three children and a Christian nurse for whom we have been and are still looking to the Lord. We trust that during this long season of bodily separation from our work, we have been learning some of those precious "desert" lessons that are to furnish us and gird up our loins afresh for more faithful and successful labours in Spain. Amongst these lessons, we believe God has been teaching one above all of no little importance to God's people in these days of hurry, viz., that "the body is the Lord's," and that He has redeemed it as well as the soul and spirit, so that we would add the exhortation to us and you, "Ye are not your own, therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are His."
And now, to conclude this brief note, we write to ask you three things: firstly, that it may please God speedily to send us the suitable person as nurse mentioned above, and should any of you know any such, I need scarcely add that you would be serving the Lord and us by communicating with us as soon as possible; secondly, that we may go forth in the fulness of the blessing of the Gospel of peace; and, lastly, that we may be kept, in an evil day indeed, very near to Jesus, and so free from the assaults from without, and victorious over those from within. Thus you will help us indeed; and, may we add, remember the Lord's word to the woman of old—-"She hath done what she could," not would; so that, can you help in no other way,—-Pray, pray, pray!-—Epaphras' service, blessed, and blessing to the server as well as to the served. I ought perhaps to have added that the work formerly in our hands, but, in our absence, so lovingly and assiduously carried on by our dear brother and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Fenn, has been this year greatly extended, and much owned of God in every way; but of this more another time. With love in Christ, believe me yours in Gospel bonds,
Charles Edward Faithfull
Our address for letters, care of Mr. H. Clapton, 8 Horton Road, Hackney.
Saturday, Dec 15, 2018 : 08:49
Marcos said ...
The Fairhfull served the Lord in Madrid for many years. Albert and Charlotte Fenn took the work when they left, helped by faithful Spanish elders. This was the first assembly in Madrid (presente day Trafalgar street).
The H. Clapton in the letter is Henry Clapton, one of the auditors of Echoes of Service, himself father of a missionary in Spain
Thursday, Sep 22, 2022 : 23:48

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