Brethren Archive


A Holy Father's Constant Care

by J.N. Darby

Tune: Maryton L.M.

Tune: Rimington L.M.

1 A HOLY Father's constant care
Keeps watch, with an unwearying eye,
To see what fruits His children bear --- 
Fruits that may suit their calling high;

2 Takes ever knowledge of our state,
What dims communion with His love,
Might check our growth, or separate
Our hearts from what's revealed above.

3 O wondrous love! that ne'er forgets
The objects of its tender care;
May chasten still, while sin besets,
To warn and guard them where they are:

4 Yet ne'er forgets, but feeds them still
With tokens of His tender love;
Will keep till, freed from every ill,
They find their rest with Him above.

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