Thanks for your comment Lois Glad the recordings are useful to people 😊
Another two hymn books I'd like to get are;
Good News Hymn Book Carefully Complied By W. H. B[room]
Choice Hymns for Sunday Schools, Gospel Tract Depot, 1881
Neither is worth anywhere near the prices those booksellers are hoping for, but other copies will appear eventually!
Another book needed to get is;
Hymns and Spiritual Songs compiled in Bristol
The copy of this hymn book in my possession has the same number of items and includes the Appendix but the title is Hymns and Spiritual Songs for the Children of God. Alphabetically arranged. Large Type Edition. It was published by J.E. Hawkins, some time before March 31st 1893 when my grandfather gave it to my Great Grandmother 'Mrs F[rancis] Stunt'. Curiously, the first hymn in the Appendix is H F Lyte;s 'Abide with me' and the last in the appendix is Horatio Bonar's 'Here, O my Lord, I see Thee face to face'. Being of the same metre, they are set to the same tune ('Eventide'), but in the Index of first lines Lyte's authorship is recognised, while Bonar's hymn has no acknowledgment, even though the authorship of other hymns by Bonar is recognised elsewhere in the Index. Another curiosity is that, although the Appendix is arranged alphabetically, the last hymn seems to have been added on as an afterthought, beginning with the letter 'H'! Timothy Stunt
The book “My People - The Story of Those Christians Sometimes Called Plymouth Brethren” by Robert H. Baylis (Wheaton 1995) lists on page 17 the five hymn books of “Brethren” prior to 1848, namely:
1. J.L. Harris, A Collection of Hymns, 1834
2. R.C. Chapman, Hymns for Use of the Church of Christ, 1837
3. G.V. Wigram, Hymns for the Poor of the Flock, 1838
4. Edward Denny, A Selection of Hymns, 1839
5. J.G. Deck, Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs, 1842
Is anybody able to provide a copy of “A Collection of Hymns” by J. L. Harris (no. 1), or of the original editions of no. 2 or no. 5?