Brethren Archive

Pridham / Borlase / Tregelles / Newton / Lloyd / Howard / Biggs Family Tree

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Tom said ...
Also note Caroline Pridham, the children's book author is connected somehow to this too, though the link maybe goes back too far as I haven't discovered it yet! Seems the Pridhams were a big family!
Thursday, Apr 27, 2017 : 19:42
Tom said ...
So added some interesting connections on here; Although Arthur Pridham left the meetings, clearly not all his family did. His son William Collier Pridham wrote a hymn tune in one of the books, and married a daughter of Charles Inglis (a well known brother I believe - more on him later). His daughter in turn married the son of the well known brother in the Raven meetings, M.W. Biggs.

I'm told this son, Laurence was JT Jr's 'Hench Man' at Guilford. Interestingly his grave (pictured here seems somewhat devoid of Christian connection? :-S

Sunday, May 7, 2017 : 21:49
Tom said ...
Bit of a mistake yesterday, as William Collier Pridham is a great nephew, not a son, of Arthur Pridham.

WC Pridham wrote the tune, GLORIA JEHOVAH ( in 1904 - it appears in Little Flock Tune Book (1954)
Monday, May 8, 2017 : 10:59
Tom said ...
And actually appears the Charles Inglis here is no relation to the one mentioned in Beattie and other places, sadly.
Tuesday, May 9, 2017 : 12:47
Tom said ...
Just as an aside note for now,

In the 1881 census, staying with the Biggs household (Malcolm was just 5 at the time), were Augusta (46) and Charles (16) Leflaives.

The Leflaives were vineyard owners in France whose vines were destroyed by the virus that affected many vineyards at that time. They sold up and emigrated but the father died enroute in the Channel Islands.

Charles and his mother settled in Altrincham, Cheshire - he published E L Bevir's books. He was a prolific composer (e.g. see SPERANZA in Spiritual Songs #394)

The French vineyard's were subsequently replanted with a resistant strain and now the Leflaive label is renowned (the family still own it but the female owner died just recently).

The descendants of Charles (particularly I believe through his grand-son Denys) are quite numerous especially in the Bristol area - they are all still 'in', as we say.
Tuesday, May 9, 2017 : 13:47
Tom said ...
So W.T.P(rideaux). Wolston - is he related to the Prideaux line? I can't find anything at the moment, but guess there is a link somewhere.
Friday, May 12, 2017 : 14:21
Tom said ...
Added in the hymn writer Anna Laetitia Waring, who has a hymn in Spiritual Songs.
Friday, May 12, 2017 : 18:39
Timothy Stunt said ...
Amy Toulmin (nee Honeychurch) had a younger sister Mary Honeychurch (1795-1865) who married the banker Samuel Lloyd (1795-1862) who with his son Sampson was a key figure among the Brethren in Birmingham; see my 'ElusiveQuest', pp.39-40, 260. Timothy Stunt
Friday, May 19, 2017 : 21:20
Carolinr said ...
Hi Amy info on Edith Pridham who bought land in Newton Ferrers in 1898?
Wednesday, Mar 13, 2024 : 15:41

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