Brethren Archive

A Chart on The Course of Time from Eternity to Eternity

by A. E. Booth

Click on image to expand

Tom said ...

I would like to get a higher resolution version of this. There is one here;

but they have made it hard to download.

Tuesday, Mar 24, 2020 : 02:14
Tom said ...

"The Course of Time From Eternity to Eternity" was published by A. E. Booth in 1896.  After three printings, a revised and more detailed chart in full color took its place.  This version has been continuously in print ever since, with thirty-eight printings selling nearly 500,000 copies of the chart and more that 100,000 copies of the accompanying guide.  It may be the most prophetic chart in use around the world." Martin L. Cook, "Christian Apocalypticism and Weapons of Mass Destruction," Footnote 8 Pages 209-210 in Ethics and Weapons of Mass Destruction: Religious and Secular Perspectives, Edited by Sohail H. Hashmi and Steven P. Lee, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2004.

Thursday, Mar 26, 2020 : 22:17
Tom said ...

This is an older version;

Thursday, Mar 26, 2020 : 22:23
Matthew said ...
I have one of these, found in a drawer at my grandparents home. I just got it framed. Would be interested to learn more about it.
Thursday, Feb 25, 2021 : 12:46
Salaneta Talia said ...
"The Course of Time From Eternity to Eternity" by A. E. Booth.
I'm after the same chart 2 metres wide and 4 metres long.
If anyone know whare and how to get it contact me by
or call me on my mobile -
Thursday, Jun 3, 2021 : 18:20
Wendy said ...
They're selling on Amazon for $4.99 plus shipping.
Monday, Oct 11, 2021 : 02:16
Nicole said ...
I have an even older version. It starts with chaotic and the world ends in new earth and eternity. Very bright colors throughout . The picture but I would add a pictureI
Tuesday, Mar 8, 2022 : 14:30
Victor Leo said ...
Can I get the Eternity to Eternity chart along with explanation with the book
Friday, Jan 27, 2023 : 14:59
Phil said ...
I wish to buy a copy of AE Booths chart on the course of time from eternity to eternity
Thursday, Dec 7, 2023 : 04:15
Paul said ...
I would like to purchase 2 booklets on the course of time from eternity to eternity!
Can anyone direct me where I can write to??
Sunday, Aug 18, 2024 : 11:30
kenneth said ...
Do any one have guidelines for this chart. if so please kindly share your thought here:
Sunday, Sep 8, 2024 : 10:32
Nobin said ...
Dear Friend try this picture links. It has high resolution.
Sunday, Sep 8, 2024 : 10:40

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