Brethren Archive
3rd November 1925

Separation and Assembly Order

by W.H. Westcott

12 Pages
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ingrid said ...
I am seeking to understand the religion of my Sheffield grandparents in the 1930's.
Wednesday, Oct 6, 2021 : 23:37
Jonathan said ...

Hi Ingrid, if your grandparents were the Westcotts referred to here, then the work they started around the turn of the century in central Africa has left an oustanding legacy of many Christian gatherings and associated outreach work (schools, medical centres etc.) that were developed by their successors. I would also refer to Timothy Stunt's first comment on the page here: ...which gives reference to a history of WH Westcott's pioneering evangelism work.

Wednesday, Oct 6, 2021 : 23:58

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