Brethren Archive
circa 1940

Why I Abandoned Exclusivism (Third Edition)

by H.P. Barker

Very interesting additions to previous edition.
32 Pages
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Phil said ...
Thank you
Sunday, Aug 11, 2019 : 02:39
Samuel said ...
Hi Tom , do you have the edition of this tract that has the appendix by Harold St John? It references a MS book in the possession of one of Geo Müller’s successors which apparently disproves JND’s account of the 1848 events re Bethesda.
Second point: I was told by Edwin Cross that at the close of his life HPB did enjoy fellowship again with Exclusive Brethren !
Sunday, Aug 11, 2019 : 04:04
Timothy Stunt said ...
To 'enjoy fellowship again with Exclusive Brethren' should not be taken to mean that he agreed with their exclusive position or regularly participated in their meetings. One of my early memories is a sermon by HPB given a few months before his return to Jamaica in 1952. He was preaching from Luke xi ('Friend lend me three loaves') and it must have been in October 1951 (when I was 10 years old!) as it was in Central Hall Westminster at the annual London Missionary Meetings. This was very much an Open Brethren occasion. Timothy Stunt
Sunday, Aug 11, 2019 : 04:46
Tom said ...

This edition

has then notes by St.John .. which includes the bit about the Darby / Muller meeting.

Wednesday, Oct 16, 2019 : 23:18

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