Brethren Archive

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  • Arthur Oakley and a rather interesting large scroll ...

    This item was sold on ebay for £200 a few days ago;

    Description says
    "Book of Revelations - End of Days -  a large panoramic scroll painting on cloth illustrating biblical end of days, painted by Arthur Oakley, a Plymouth Brethren church member. Arthur Edwin Oakley was born in 1889 in Coonoor, India, before moving to England in the early years of the 20th century. He was initially part of the Bible Students movement before joining the Exclusive Brethren or Plymouth Brethren as they are more commonly known. He worked on the railways throughout his life, first the LNER then British Rail, and died in Keswick in 1975."

    anyone know more about him?



  • Arthur Edwin OAKLEY born 17 Apr 1899 in Coonar, Madras; Baptised there 14 Mar 1900; Mentioned as a National Union Of Railwaymen member as an engine cleaner in 1915 and as an acting  fireman in 1917; Married Matilda Alice WENSLEY in West Ham Registration District during July to September 1931; She died during January to March 1957 in Ilford Registration District aged 79; then married Alice BARNETT in Uxbridge Registration District during April to July 1957; In 1939 he was an engine  driver for the LNER and lived 18 Bella Gardens, Ilford with his first wife. He died in Cockermouth Registration District during January to March 1975 aged 75. He died presumedly at Quaker Cottage, Keswick. He was living with his second wife there in 1966. He seems to have had no children from either marriage. He and his second wife received bequests from my grandfather's will written in 1966 [proved in 1973]. I assume that the connection between Arthur and my grandfather was through their religion. I understand that my grandfather was of the Brethren.
