Brethren Archive

American Darby Letterbook - Page: 64


the worst going. Here they have no pretention to be the religion of the nation & they have only their superstition & Judaism to lean upon & those that are Saints with a bad conscience. What an awful show up of the Record Gansby sent to Evans. It is surely far better to leave such, even if we know all the details of their evil, without entering into conflict with them. It seems to me that the Established or Episcopal are very rapidly sinking in character. It is one of the signs of the last day. Here the Wesleyans are hand in glove with the Papists to gain political influence, & have in every way a bad reputation. Yet we have some dear saints from among them. There is progress too among the Indians among whom dear Grant is working. They have three of them been with us at our general meeting really uncommonly nice people, I purpose in two or three days (D.V.) visiting them again, the Squaw too, for there is one, is a true modest nice Christian. I sat next to her at dinner one day & though she speaks with some difficulty she understands English perfectly & I was greatly pleased with her; one is a very intelligent man he preaches to his people in Indian. They are very happy. Poor Saunders of Horwick was amongst us at the close of the meeting. They had plenty of trouble with him here, but I trust he is all right. It was only last Sunday he was fairly in communion at Toronto & I trust he is in a good spirit. He seems to have laid hold on what the Church is. Our meeting has been very much blessed & the presence of the Lord felt really amongst us. There were a good deal over a hundred


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